
EHR > Connected

Complete system for all your practice needs

Connected to major labs, drug chains and payers.

eMedicalPractice has adopted the major broadly accepted data exchange standards that have been mandated by the Government and therefore key to Meaningful Use. These standards help facilitate seamless data exchange between your practice and other healthcare entities such as: labs, pharmacies, other EHRs, patient portals, and insurance companies.

Technology standards used in our system includes:

  • Health Level 7 (HL7)
  • ANSI X12 (HIPAA Standard)
  • EDI
  • Sure-Scripts
  • XML
  • Secure FTP
  • .NET 3.0
  • IIS 7.0 and many more
  • CDC-compliant growth charts and Immunizations records
  • Chart vital signs and compare results for each encounter, Immunization records capturing.
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