Accreditation Certifications

eMedicalPractice is EHNAC HNAP-EHN and EPCSCP-Prescribing accredited.

The Electronic Healthcare Network Accreditation Commission (EHNAC) is a federally recognized standards development organization and tax-exempt, 501(c)(6) non-profit accrediting body designed to improve transactional quality, operational efficiency, and data security in healthcare.

EHNAC indicates the following compliance benefits associated with accreditation:

EHNAC’s Healthcare Network Accreditation Program (HNAP) Electronic Health Network (EHN) assessment and review covers five main categories of criteria:

EHNAC requires that organizations complete the program every two years to maintain accreditation which includes a detailed criteria-based assessment and EHNAC audit and site reviews. eMedicalPractice has maintained our EHNAC Electronic Health Network accreditation since 2001.

eMedicalPractice Certificates of Accreditation:

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