Empowering Efficient and Informed Acute Care with Our Specialized EHR

Enhance Short-term Hospitalizations and Emergency Care with Our Acute Care EHR

Experience Acute Care EHR Designed for Short-Stay Inpatient Settings

Our Acute Care EHR is designed to cater to the unique processes that take place during short-term hospitalizations, emergency visits, and other acute care encounters.

We provide you with tools to support evidence-based decision-making such as real-time patient data, clinical decision support tools, and alerts to help make informed treatment decisions.

The Acute Care Difference


Keep track of patient information, access rights, care plans and more – everything conveniently organized into one integrated platform.

Why Choose Our Acute Care EHR?

Our Acute Care EHR is specifically designed for short-stay care settings. With everything conveniently organized into one unified platform, you can keep track of patient information, access rights, care plans, and more.

Efficient Workflow Management

Our clinician-first design and seamless user experience allow you to view care plans and manage staff workloads with ease. We provide you with tools to support evidence-based decision-making, such as real-time patient data, clinical decision support tools, and alerts to help make informed treatment decisions.

Real-Time Patient Data

Real-time patient data means clinical supervisors can stay up-to-date on bed counts, and you can efficiently handle access permissions and provider schedules while retaining control of security settings. You choose what you view with our customizable dashboard layout, and our built-in auditing tool enables administrators to track changes and ensure proper system usage.

Tools & Solutions

Collaboration with other providers is essential, especially for acute patients. Create, manage and even share yours seamlessly from the same page.

Manage patient referrals and track the status of prior referrals in a centralized location.

Streamline the medication ordering process, check past medication history and receive refill requests with our eRx/EPCS feature.

Our EHR allows you to easily reconcile medication lists and reduce the risk of adverse drug events.

Make informed treatment decisions with our clinical decision support tools.

We use multi-method communication channels, automatically expanding your successful connection rate. All you need to do is create your message, save and schedule, our system does the rest.

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